Retained Copyleft
An Open (FreeShare)
Source CommonWealth
The WISdom Proposal is a WeBookTM multimedia icono-cartoon book, conforming to the WeBook and Blog about itTM conceptual framework, and as such it may be copied in whole or in part, and it may be modified and used with discretion as described here:WeBooks enable content evolution in group and individual efforts by sharing resources to quickly create lots of them within various eidtorial genres, thus facilitating blogging communication in SIGs. Shared graphics themes hopefully widen the audience for material of general interest that may otherwise be considered too dull and technical.The WISdom Network must be designed by its users in this large scope project. IT is too important to leave to the specialists.
The WeBook and Blog about it conceptual framework facilitates the creation and the communications related activities of small SIGs as well as large community projects, like the WISdom Co-op and Network with virtually unlimited participation and annotation, using only free open internet facilities.The Securely registered WeLog Archives - SWeAr and the distributed evidence of both the WeBook and its Blogs accumulate the project's real world history, soon to be in VSM format, providing validated "prior art" with acces and analysis in real time for the needy USPTO or other historical interests as required.
I sell this Web Services enabled Registered Archive and Access Tracking Service as WeRATrackTM (not the Free/Open Source WeBook and Blog about it content framework) through the third party registration authority WeCanTM (a subsidiary of WeVRB, Inc.Pat. Pend. , a virtual 501-c(x) corporation supporting Virally Responsible Business) so I can get rich off other people's IPRs, and
so that we can Create Openly And Securely!See: The Wayback Machine You Need to feel free to create, unless you're Creating a way to Feel Free. Content Distribution is not what needs to be restricted so much as the Usage to which it is Put. I certainly don't want to limit distribution in any way. I was concerned that somebody else might steal the idea and sell it clandestinely to be used for whatever, so I made these secure project history tools that I hope to distribute as Web Services.
automatically applying to any of the author's published material (whether his rights are claimed or not) just as standard copyright does today, see Disintermediating the Government's "Big C". Until WeShould works, use Creative Commons free licensing service. Unfortunately the service discussed above can only facilitate open investigation and back customers up in court. But updates will be forthcoming.There Ought to be an East Coast Law :
"No commercial use allowed"To view a copy of the license under which this work is released, see: Creative Commons License or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Note that this license does not negate the validity of the trademarks made public in this work, eg., WISdom TM
"You never really own something,
until you can give it away."
~ ask Brad........
Share and Share Alike
. ...
Attribute the Originator No commercial use allowedTo facilitate extensive revision and/or translation of the material on this Web site, and as a convenience to readers with narrowband connections, may I suggest the use of WebCopier ProTM, which is a 30 day free trial shareware MS Windows program that will download the entire Web site (less than 5 MB) to your hard drive, to be speedily accessed, modified and re-posted at will. During testing WebCopier it was found necessary to use Notepad or similar to replace all "default.htm#' with "#" in the downloaded files to correct page self-referential links; however, extensive revision and/or translation will require that most links be changed or renewed anyway. But feel free to make use of all of this WISdomTM Retained Copyleft material.Linux users can try WebCopy v0.98b7. If you know of a better Linux-compatible Web site copier, please email me below.
Let our conscience guide your use of this material, but please keep this page and individual links to it appropriate, as modelled by the WISdom Proposal.
Please participate in The WISdom Development Project.
"Good ideas are
Their implementation may be expensive, ..."
Richard J Auld
BA, Honors in Philosophy, NC State University '66
A supporter of The John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, NC
76333 Lovett Ave.
Dallas, TX 75227I don't presume to speak for all consumers.
I merely presume permission to speak and urge other consumers to do likewise.
What's in it for me? Same as for anybody, a better quality of life.
No, I'm not going to patent this stuff!
Actually, I want to write a WISdom Network WeBlog about
how the network came to be, where it's going,
and where I think it should be going.
It's all about
Everybody Being HeardDoing a consumer grassgroots co-op startup requires wearing a lot of different hats,
and many of them don't fit me so well. Help!
Richard J Auld
" ... plays Devil's Advocate like Don Quixote with a blunderbuss... " ~ WISdom News & Review
Uh. I would have preferred "Atilla with a sharp sword"; However, ...
.........................Other Contributors:
WISdom Proposal Version 2.01: Kevin Edberg of Cooperative Development Services
Thanks to Cory Doctorow of the EFF for his remarks about the necessity of engaaging WISdom Co-op members
in the operation of the WISdom Network, as well as in its governance.The WISdom Proposal can be annotated or revised by entering comments and suggested changes directly on client resident copies of the relevant page(s) of the proposal. Return annotated page(s) via HTML e-mail, and I will post replacement pages on this Web site, or create indentified linkage to your comments and suggestions at appropriate points in The WISdom Proposal.
I recommend that you embed Links in e-mails to relevant mini-sections of the WISdom Proposal by copying their Link Location from the WISdom Proposal Contents page.
As discussions proceed, I will establish email subject entries enabling primitive Sort, Select and Analysis of email. Every reasonable effort will be made to deal fairly with email will be made.
Don't miss this cool animation about the mission of Creative CommonsThe model for the WISdom Proposal originally occured in my imagination as a multi-media comic book-like Macromedia Flash-like animation, embedded in an HTML "narration" with lots of interrelationships navigated by self-referential hyperlinks to help nurture a mental model in the audience of the proposed consumers' cooperative business, its operational environment, its implications,and its technical requirements. The text in the Flash presentations themelves would be minimal; issues and information would be carried mostly by voice dialogues, diagrams and narrations, all done in story character dialogue with pictures and narration format, and the HTML background presentations would be supportive to the message carried by the Flash presentation, like The Story of Big C above with "mini-section" HTML background pages.
Anybody want to produce this Flash presentation(s)?Help!